Saturday, July 21, 2018

Just Tap Me - New Appearance! on Ver. 1.3.2

Firstly, we want say thank you to everyone that helps this new version released but also we want to  inform our deep apologize for this late announcement.

Just Tap Me had released new version on Google Android (1.3.2) and iOS (132.0) Platform on June 19, 2018.

There were major changes in the new version and you can check it out by clicking below links:

Please stay in touch to reach our latest updated game and of course, update Just Tap Me on your phone if you had it installed.

Last but not least, thank you for all of your support.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Just Tap Me Current Version in all Platforms

Firstly, we want to say apology for this late information due to developing process in the background when releasing Just Tap Me to Apple iOS App Store.

For Android Google Play Store version: 1.3.1
For Apple iOS App Store version: 131.0

So, please check and make sure the current version of your Just Tap Me game in your smartphone.

Thank you for your attention and patience.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

FINALLY!!! Just Tap Me Has Released on iOS Platform


As for today, we would like to announce that Just Tap Me is LIVE now in iOS App Store.

Important Notes!
It is very recommended for all users with all types of iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 7.
It is also available for all iPad users and all iPhone X users but have slight flaw if installed in iPad but still will perform very well.
It is not recommended for all users with all type of iPhone 4 and below due to performance matter.

We hope that you enjoy all the fun and joy that might come to you by playing the game.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Pembaharuan Noodle Rush Menjadi Lebih Baik

Noodle Rush (Ver. 1.1.4)

Saat ini Noodle Rush sudah memasuki pembaharuan berikutnya, yaitu versi 1.1.4.

Pembaharuan latar belakang, objek-objek tertentu, hingga optimisasi sistem agar lebih stabil serta perbaikan error/glitch yang terdapat pada versi sebelumnya.

Jadi, langsung saja meluncur ke Google Play Store dan Update buat yang sudah menginstall serta Install bagi yang belum.

Cobain dan bagikan pengalamanmu.

It can kill your boring time, but it can kill your fingers, too.

Update Noodle Rush Ver. 1.1.4

Noodle Rush sudah di-update dan tersedia versi terbaru (Ver. 1.1.4) di Google Play Store.

Jadi, silahkan diperbaharui aplikasinya agar mendapatkan versi terbaru dan lebih baik.

Terima kasih.

Update Just Tap Me Ver. 1.2.5

Just Tap Me sudah di-update dan tersedia versi terbaru (Ver. 1.2.5) di Google Play Store.

Jadi, silahkan diperbaharui aplikasinya agar mendapatkan versi terbaru dan lebih baik.

Terima kasih.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Update Just Tap Me Ver. 1.2.3

Just Tap Me sudah di-update dan tersedia versi terbaru (Ver. 1.2.3) di Google Play Store.

Jadi, silahkan diperbaharui aplikasinya agar mendapatkan versi terbaru dan lebih baik.

Terima kasih.

Just Tap Me - New Appearance! on Ver. 1.3.2

Firstly, we want say thank you to everyone that helps this new version released but also we want to  inform our deep apologize for this late...